A YOGAqua class is 90 minutes long. The first 30 minutes is dedicated to learning how to properly use a paddleboard and peacefully paddle around the harbor. The remaining hour is dedicated to yoga on the paddleboard. Each board has an individual anchor that is dropped down before the Yoga portion of class begins so that the student does not drift away while focusing on their practice. YOGAqua classes are open to “all levels”. Students are taken through a Vinyasa Yoga flow with customized and detailed instruction for the paddleboard so even if they have not been practicing yoga for years, or if they have never been on a paddleboard, they will be able to follow along with no problem. A single class costs $44, however, deals and class packages are offered throughout the year. The cost of a class includes all the equipment needed, however, if you would like to bring your own board, the price is only $30.
Single Class (includes equipment): $44
Single Class BYOB (bring your own board): $30
Intro 3 Pack (new students only & must be your first purchase): $90 ($30 per class)
5 Pack: $175 ($35 per class)
10 Pack: $295 ($29.50 per class)
CLICK HERE to register for a group class.
그런데 최 대행은 그러기는커녕 오히려 체포영장 집행을 저지하기 위해 경호 인력을 보강 MIRACLE 하도록 경찰에 협조 요청을 해달라는 경호처의 요구를 수용했다
12월7일 1차 MIRACLE 탄핵안 표결 때도 당론을 거부하고 투표에 참여했던 안철수 국민의힘 의원은 1월6일 국회 소통관에서 기자회견을 갖고 “이재명 민주당은 헌재 탄핵심판에서 국민들의 뜻에 따라 국회에서 어렵게 의결되었던 윤 대통령 탄핵소추문에서 내란죄를 삭제하려고 하고 있다”며 “탄핵소추안에서 내란죄를 제외한다는 것은 무엇보다 국민을 기망하는 처사다
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